Improving the tests with try-finally block

This week I have learned a neat trick that you can apply to your test cases. You are testing an edge case. The system under test is expected to throw an exception. But, after the exception, you need to do a few assertions. Usually, I did it this way:

 * @dataProvider markAsUndeliverableFailDataProvider
public function testMarkAsUndeliverableFail(Order $order): void
    $exception = null;

    try {
    } catch (\Throwable $exception) {

    self::assertInstanceOf(OrderStatusChangeFailed::class, $exception);

But, there is a better way to do it! Check out the much more readable version with try-finally:

 * @dataProvider markAsUndeliverableFailDataProvider
public function testMarkAsUndeliverableFail(Order $order): void

    try {
    } finally {

Viola! Look how clean this is 🔥